Monday, August 3, 2009

Meet Arthur.....

This will go perfect with my new mountain bike....thanks Kate, great find!!!!

Meet Kolbie...

Yes!!! Twilight on CD!!!! And red boots too! Thanks shoppers!!!

Meet Pearce....

This is the coolest truck i have ever seen!!!

Meet Morgan.....

The hospial isn't so bad when you get a new CELL PHONE!!!!

Here's Ellie.....

I love my new Strawberry Shortcakes!

Here's Chase...

This was a great day!!!!!

Here's Alex...

He can't wait for remote control sub to arrive!

Here's Ellie...

My Little Wish....what is it, what is it!!!!!

Here's Samantha....

As you can see she is a HUGE crab fan!!!! Yummy!

Here's Tamika...

She has been anxiously awaiting this movie!!!!

Meet Brietta...

Look at me...I am a big girl in my new Bumbo chair!

Meet Madeline....

Here is Madeline and her Daddy enjoying her new movies and books to match!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here's Bradley...

This sweet boy loves his puppies!

Here's Ellie Mae...

O my goodness...a new pony:)

Here's Parker....

He has been waiting and waiting for this game...Thanks shoppers!

Meet Makayla...

Makayla got a new family of ducks to share with her little brother when he comes to visit, and the cooking with mama games for the DS!

Here's Samantha...

Sam got the new Sims 3, hot off the shelf!!!!

Here's Samantha....

Here's Sam with her new Easy Bake oven! I can't wait for the yummy treats!

Meet Decker...

Here is Decker kickin' back checking out some new Legos!

Here's Ashlynn...

Ashlynn is ready to get home and get cooking with Mama on her DS!

Here's Nathan...

This is Nathan...he is so happy to get his new DS and his Sponge Bob game!

Here's Mikaila...

This sweet girl got to have a long stay with us here....but she got this shiny new ipod for her Little Wish! YES!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Meet Elaina...

This animal lover got all things for the DS, fuzzy posters, and even a puzzle or two!

Here's Scarlett...

Now this savy teen has lots of tv shows to watch and make the time go by...enjoy them my dear!

Meet Dillon...

This is Dillon with nurse Bethany and his new ipod! Congrats Dillon!

Here's Samantha...

Samantha loves her new password journal. Now all of her secrets are safe inside!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Meet Bradley...

This is my friend Bradley! He loves the Beatles and Shania Twain so the ipod will be the perfect Little Wish for him. Now he can Rock Out!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Meet Tommy....

Little Tommy is a fan of music and light up toys. He received his Little Wish just as he was sitting up for the first time after surgery! Great job Tommy!!!!

Here's Elizabeth...

Elizabeth wished for Rubber Ducks and Nemo presents! Now she has a whole duck family!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Here's Scarlett...

Scarlett makes my day with that big smile! She got her savy new pink camera for her Little Wish today and plans on making a documentary of her life! She is a star!!!!

Meet Sergey....

This super teen loves his new computer games and gaming mouse he got for his Little Wish today....but what he loved most was Nurse Christina singing to him!

Meet Nathan...

As you can see, Nathan is a huge Sponge Bob fan....two pairs of new jammies, lots of new movies and even donuts with sprinkles were his wish for today. Thanks Terry, you are an awesome shopper!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Meet Maddy...

After being in the Peds ICU for two weeks, the first smile we got was after she got her first Little Wish, Nintendo DS Games and fun socks!

Meet Andrew...

Even big kids get wishes too! Andrew has figured out that eventhough coming to the hospital isn't great, this is a great way to improve upon the time!

Meet Parker...

Parker looks forward to a visit because he knows there is a Wish in the making upon his arrival. And he's a BIG FAN of crab, and even asked for some as a wish!

Meet Ellie...

Ellie's favorite part of getting her Little Wish is singing along with Nettie and Gang! She even asks her mom to sing the song when it ISN'T wish time!

Introducing Little Wishes Spokane

Little Wishes grants the immediate and ongoing wishes of hospitalized children to ease their discomfort and bring them moments of joy.
Qualifications to receive a Little Wish:
- Chronic Illness
- Extended hospital stay of 7 days or more
As of January 2009, we have granted over 100 wishes with the help of our shoppers: Dana, Holli, Terry and Kate. Without their help this would not be possible.