Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meet Anna....

This was Annas first Little Wish...the DS was perfect! And the horse game too. Thanks Terri!

Here's Taber....

Yes Taber...Terri and I are going to sing again! Thanks for being such a good sport!

Here's Gregory...

Legos, Legos, Legos!!!! That is all he wanted for his little wish! Great job and your grandson picked out the perfect ones!

Meet Katelyn....

One of the things she wanted was decorations for Valentines day....this was perfect!

Here's Elizabeth....

I'd say this was the perfect gift to put a smile on her face! Great find!

Here's Briana...

These are the perfect addition to her American doll collection...thanks shoppers!

Here's Remington...

He is so happy to have his Shrek 2 game....thanks for finding it Kate!