Monday, August 30, 2010

Here's Lexy...

Holy Cow....she made a haul! Nice job shoppers!

Meet Katie...

Look how beautiful I look in my new dress!!!

Meet Madison...

Look at the smile...yes! I finally got my own DS!

Meet Michael...

Oh my...Michael where are you? I can hardly see you with all that Spiderman gear surrounding you!

Meet Tyler...

Nothing like a good meal of steak and crab to make you smile!

Here's nakayla...

Check out Nakayla and her new book series! She is such a smart girl!

Meet Darrell...

This is Darrell and Donna, a Child Life Specialist. He got a new dissco ball for his that sounds fun!

Meet Owen....

Check out the big smile...My very own DS.

Meet Alex...

Just wait until you see all the U-Tube videos I create with this!

Here's Billy...

Yes....they did have an XBOX 360....Thanks Shoppers!

Meet Natalie....

I wonder if Dr. Thorne ever played the Fashion Design game with her?